Thursday 20 November 2014

Facebook Follies

Facebook follies
-A lad was running for a job, and picture that was took when he was a teenager was found and showed to people by the other lad running against him, so he just stepped down from running the job.
-One lad posted stuff on his Facebook about the girl who was getting married to  the prince and said no one cared about her and all that and when he went for the job to be a security person for the royal people he couldn't be it because of what he had said.
-Some stuff that you post on Facebook can effect you later on in life, so you should watch what you put on the internet cause it could effect you later.
-A lad was hacked on Facebook and the hacker got a hold of his friends saying he was in trouble a he needed money and stuff and on of the lads best friends sent him money but it just went to the hacker to spend and have it for himself.
-If you say something on Facebook it can be seen by hundreds of people and cut and put and sent to places you'd never imagine.
-One girl searched herself up on Facebook because she was board, she found a guy with the same name as her, so she messaged him just saying it was cool that they had the same name, then they started talking a lot and now they're married.
Digital life quiz
The question I got wrong that I was most shocked about that I got wrong was the one where more people viewed Facebook more then Youtube because Youtube is very popular, even though I knew Facebook was popular I figured Youtube would just be more. What didn't surprise me was the whole texting and driving rig because like nearly every young lad that drove me anywhere texted and drove so it didn't surprise me. Another thing that surprised me was the thing about how many hours of video footage is uploaded on Youtube every minute like 24 hours of video is a lot, for every minute, boys there must be a lot uploaded everyday.
Dark Web 
-They have like invisible installed in your computer and they sell what you search to company's that's why you get types of ads on your Facebook and stuff because they know what you search up.
-as long as your wifi is connected they can track you.
-you are being watched 24/7 by the internet and the more you watch the less freedom you'll have, they want you to collect it for control and to throw tons of ads at you.
-Every single thing you search up it is collected in a data base to give you ads.
-David found a way to save the problem because if you install something to your computer then they wouldn't be able to track who you are, so you'd be able to do what you want and you wont be watched.
Digital Dummies 
-When a lad was getting married he updated his status about getting married while the wedding was going on.
-There is now 32 million Blackberry owners in the world.
-A girl was walking and texting and a lad for the sewer things had the rig open and she fell into it the dummy, and she blamed it on the government for leaving it open, and not putting a sign or nothing around it, but yeah if she had her eyes off her phone she would have seen the sewer thing.
-A lad missed hid train stop, like the lad driving the train, and the train crashed into another train, before the trains crashed, the lad sent out a text or a email 23 seconds before the train crashed so they believed that was why the train crashed.
-Any where from 6 to 10% of the population is addicted to the internet (xbox and stuff)
-Every 33 seconds there is about 1 000 000 likes on Facebook and 117 hours is uploaded on Youtube
-A lad owned a Facebook account and told like everyone his password, and one lad went on his Facebook and changed his password and made tons of post and messaged lots of people, eventually they got the account deleted, but it took 4 days to delete the account.
-One lad played a prank and tracked tons of people down by twitter, instagram, and facebook, he knew their names where they were and mostly all about them. He only knew all of the stuff because of what they put on there accounts.
-Making comments like i hate you, and stuff on facebook and stuff is against the law and you can get a fine. Some students were arrested because of cyber bullying. Some people can get charged just by hitting the like button.
-Your responsible for what you post on the internet, so think before you post or send anything because it could get you it lots of trouble, years later it could be linked back to you ans cause you from not getting a job or something. Even if you delete it it's never actually gone.
The graphic novel thing
Its important to set strong passwords and set high privacy setting so people cant learn everything about you in like a couple minutes, and no one can get into your account if you have a password that's really hard to guess. Information that's best to be left off line i think would be the stuff about you and all your personal stuff and yeah stuff like that. Well i don't know what i'm suppose to do for this one but somethings that have privacy risks are like xbox's or something i don't think that's true though caused you let people  in your chat thing and if you got it on invite only I didn't think people could just get on your chat ans listen to you cause that's kinda creepy. The importance of taking steps to protect your privacy is important because if you got er all read over and stuff then i guess you'd have a pretty good idea of what your agreeing to and leaving out and stuff. I mean for me Facebook and stuff my mother did all that for me so i ain't to concerned about that. Taking important steps to protect your mobile device's is important because people you don't want on your phone can't get on to your stuff because they won't know your passwords or none of that, so yeah. I think it's important to use different passwords because if someone knows your password for one site, and you have the same password for everything then they can probably get into er pretty easily if they wanted to. People can figure out where you live ans stuff by what you put online, because if you have your location stuff on your phone or your Instagram and you post something it'll probably say where you are so i guess it wouldn't be to hard for them to find out. If i lost my phone today and never had a password I think i'd be pretty worried because like they could get on my Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, tumbler, Pintrest and my twitter and post whatever they want. If they got my phone without a password they could see my photos and figure out pretty fast who I am, and they could send out messages to anyone they wanted because they had me phone. I think if someone found my phone, and it wasn't protected I think they could figure everything out about me by just reading my messages and stuff, because i'd have my Facebook open and all that stuff so you'd have to be pretty numb to not figure out anything.
Cyber bullying
I think what they said in the video is true because stuff that people posts online is seen a lot and tons of people can make fun of you for it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Journal Entry Three

My main accomplishments was that me and my group got our project done, and that it actually turned out looking alright. My biggest challenges was taking most of the pictures in the rain. Me and my group worked pretty good together were all good friends so, we didn't have any trouble with each other. some things I found interesting was the different ways you can take pictures and all the angles and stuff you can take them at.  

Journal Entry Two

My main accomplishments is that I got the project done. My biggest challenges was finding the information in the videos. Technical problems that i had was finding the videos. something i found interesting was the cloud thing, with the dog Frank i found it interesting how the cloud thing works.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

web 2.0 and the video I chose

The three video that we watched was about cloud computing, web 2.0 and the world wide web. What I learned in the video about "cloud computing" was that if you have a photo saved on a computer and the computer gets destroyed you picture will be gone. But if you put in on Facebook or something it'll go to a cloud thing so you can get the picture back even if your computer gets destroyed. The photo that you put on is in a factory with tons of other pictures that was in the "cloud" too. tons of computes hold all the photos that you ever put in the "cloud". The next video that we watched was "wed 2.0" it was about how digital text makes everything easier, and all the problems that can go wrong with it. The good things is that it makes your life easier because you can type all your stuff up fast. The bad things about it is copy right an stuff like that. The last video that I watched was called the "world wide wed" i guess this here thing is about some kind of cloud thing too and some girls business. I guess she uses the cloud to manage her stuff and yeah.

Thursday 23 October 2014

              My main challenges while doing the project that we had to take photos in. It was hard because it was raining and we couldn't get our pictures to come out that good because of the rain. The technical problems that happened was the rain caused us from getting our pictures to turn out. My thing that I had to do in the group was to help Drake with some of the pictures, and to be in some of the pictures. My main accomplishments were to get the project done and we finally did, so yeah I'm glad that we got that done. Our group worked good together because were all good friends so we get along and agree with each other just fine. Something I found interesting was the angles you can take the pictures at.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

                 Thing five video techniques that i learned in the videos was your suppose to use the rule of thirds and that its helps make your pictures look better and makes them look more important. Two more things I learned about fill the frame is its better to take a close up picture then from far away because it offers more detail. Another thing I used was it is better to take pictures close up. Things I learned from framing is its better to frame things because its like a close up of something and whats going on around it, it adds more detail and makes the picture look more interesting, and enhances the photo. Things I learned from the video about angles is taking pictures on angles can make your pictures look more interesting and makes them look better. Things I learned from the video about keeping your camera level is it makes it look better but sometimes its hard to keep your pictures level because if its not level it might look bad.