Tuesday 28 October 2014

web 2.0 and the video I chose

The three video that we watched was about cloud computing, web 2.0 and the world wide web. What I learned in the video about "cloud computing" was that if you have a photo saved on a computer and the computer gets destroyed you picture will be gone. But if you put in on Facebook or something it'll go to a cloud thing so you can get the picture back even if your computer gets destroyed. The photo that you put on is in a factory with tons of other pictures that was in the "cloud" too. tons of computes hold all the photos that you ever put in the "cloud". The next video that we watched was "wed 2.0" it was about how digital text makes everything easier, and all the problems that can go wrong with it. The good things is that it makes your life easier because you can type all your stuff up fast. The bad things about it is copy right an stuff like that. The last video that I watched was called the "world wide wed" i guess this here thing is about some kind of cloud thing too and some girls business. I guess she uses the cloud to manage her stuff and yeah.

Thursday 23 October 2014

              My main challenges while doing the project that we had to take photos in. It was hard because it was raining and we couldn't get our pictures to come out that good because of the rain. The technical problems that happened was the rain caused us from getting our pictures to turn out. My thing that I had to do in the group was to help Drake with some of the pictures, and to be in some of the pictures. My main accomplishments were to get the project done and we finally did, so yeah I'm glad that we got that done. Our group worked good together because were all good friends so we get along and agree with each other just fine. Something I found interesting was the angles you can take the pictures at.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

                 Thing five video techniques that i learned in the videos was your suppose to use the rule of thirds and that its helps make your pictures look better and makes them look more important. Two more things I learned about fill the frame is its better to take a close up picture then from far away because it offers more detail. Another thing I used was it is better to take pictures close up. Things I learned from framing is its better to frame things because its like a close up of something and whats going on around it, it adds more detail and makes the picture look more interesting, and enhances the photo. Things I learned from the video about angles is taking pictures on angles can make your pictures look more interesting and makes them look better. Things I learned from the video about keeping your camera level is it makes it look better but sometimes its hard to keep your pictures level because if its not level it might look bad.